I saw a piece this week on the Distrifood website: a ranking of the quickest-growing food companies in the Netherlands that was derived from the Fabulous 40 as was published in Foodmagazine in collaboration with Capitalmind.
The number 1 in the list: Group of Butchers has been fully automated with Reflex 3000 software and Flex 3000 hardware for years; something that we are proud of here at ReflexSystems!
Group of Butchers consists of seven specialised production companies that have been making quality meat products in a traditional way for the retail market, the out-of-home-market and (airline) caterers. The management at Group of Butchers; ambitious, young entrepreneurs with a love of the butcher’s trade, aim to supply the very best and finest products. Group of Butchers is the result of the DGS, established in 1997, and has been the winner of the Industry trophy for four years in a row!
Group of Butchers has been using Reflex 3000 since it was established in 1997. They trusted ReflexSystems with the complete automation of their purchasing, production, tracing, stock management, labelling and sales. They have also chosen to provide all the companies with which they have merged or which they have taken over with Reflex 3000 software and Flex 3000 hardware. Of course, this has huge advantages for the control of processes and gaining insight.
And let us not forget that number 5 has also been working with Reflex 3000 very satisfactorily for more than 20 years.
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